I doodle cats all the time.

Neil #3 cover proposal 1
Slightly different from the one we ended up with, but I always liked this one better as a stand alone sketch.
For more on the Neil Flambé capers, click HERE.

Neil confront Olive Green
From Neil #1. The first time Neil shows his powers in public. The key is the puttanesca sauce....

Bad Salmon
From Neil #1. Would you eat this thing?

Chez Flambé
Neil and Larry see their "restaurant" for the first time.

Isabella Tortellini
Before she gets kidnapped and has her hair trimmed.

Eustace the Chef
I proposed this to Francoise Mouly when she was running her Blown Covers blog contest. She liked it. I do too.

Cat Burglar
Stealing the Meowna Lisa

I use this image for my drawing classes, to show how a simple shape (an ice cream cone) can be transformed into something more dramatic. The head of the dragon is basically a circle (skull) and a triangle (snout).

One of the manga panels that opens up Neil Flambé #4 - Neil Flambé and the Tokyo Treasure.

Finding Gravestone
Neil and Larry come across the remains of Gravestone Graves - from Neil Flambé and the Duel in the Desert.

Deep Blue Cheese
DBC melds with his creator to battle Neil - from Neil Flambé and the Crusader's Curse.